A Word of Grace

grace, church, pastor, mission, crisis, leadership, vision, faith, generosity

“You’re doing the best you can with the resources you have”      -    a wise mentor once reminded me. 


Churches all over the country are finding themselves at various points on the continuum of readiness in moving from a centralized onsite ministry to a remote, technology-driven ministry.  For some this can be an overwhelming transition amidst a whole host of other concerns and worries.

We can feel the weight of this stress as we check in with pastors and lay-leaders trying to navigate these uncertainties. There is much we don’t know, but there are some things we DO know:


God is Faithful.  

We will be pushed out of our comfort zones and expend more energy in the coming days, but we can trust that God is present and the Spirit is working in and through us. 


God is Opportunistic. 

In times of crisis our members need and want help interpreting their experiences from the perspective of faith. When we address their felt needs (not the church’s needs) in real-time, they have a chance to connect with God in new ways.


God is Gracious.  

We’re all doing the best we can, given the resources we have.  And that’s enough for God.


Please know that the Kairos and Joshua Group consultants are praying for all of you who are on the frontlines of ministry, striving to bring comfort and hope to your members and serve your communities.  Don't hesitate to reach out if you need a listening ear or help connecting to resources. No charge. No sales-pitch. Just support and encouragement.


Rev. Jana K. Swenson | Consultant | Kairos and Associates | email

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